Project Management

As part of the project to reduce the volume of escalation and improve the escalation process, your involvement was required at different levels. In order to improve as a team, we would like to have your opinion on how this project was managed. Rest assured that your answers to this survey are anonymous.
Thank you again very much for your collaboration in this project.
Quick reminder:
As the project began months ago, here is a reminder some milestones we have achieved together:
  • Investigate to find a new process and a new escalation tool
  • Develop alternate solutions to improve the actual process
  • Integrate a 24 hour response to the escalation process
  • Open the line of communication between Backoffice and Branches
  • Allow some transaction back into the branches to improve customer experience
  • Emphasize the importance of Operational News
  • Developed a training to enhance new hires knowledge on our processes
  • Deployed a Support Phone line to assist all branch advisors and managers

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* 1. Measure from 1 to 4 the following criteria:

(1 : Strongly Disagree, 2 : Disagree, 3 : Agree, 4 : Strongly Agree)

  1 2 3 4
Involvement: The project involved you sufficiently and at the appropriate time
Timeframes: The project gave you realistic timeframes to complete different tasks.
Consideration of your opinion: You felt heard by the project team. Your opinions, comments and suggestions were considered.
Project Rhythm: Meeting recurrences suited the needs of the project (operational status, steering committee, etc.).
Expectations: Expectations towards you or your team were clearly stated
Communication: Communications within the project were efficient, clear and relevant to your work.
Collaboration: The project fostered collaboration and mutual support between the parties involved.

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* 2. What were the successes of this project?

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* 3. What could have been improved? Why/how?

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* 4. As a project team, what lessons should we learn?

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* 5. In your opinion, are there any residual deliverables to be finalized related to the project’s scope ? If so, which ones?

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* 6. Please share any other observations.