This online survey is part of activity 9 of the initial two-year workplan of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform (LCIPP). The survey is aimed at collecting information from representatives of indigenous peoples, local communities and other interested stakeholders.

Completing the survey should take less than 10 minutes. It is composed of 13 short questions to learn from experiences pertaining to indigenous peoples’ and local communities’ engagement in the preparation of the relevant policies, actions and communications under the Convention.

Responses will be stored anonymously and the results of the survey will be presented in aggregate format without identifying individuals.

Taking part in this survey is voluntary. Your responses to this survey are highly valued and will feed into a technical paper to be produced by the Facilitative Working Group (FWG) of the LCIPP.

The deadline for completing the survey is 31 July, 2020.

Question Title

* 1. Please specify your role/whom you represent (e.g. Indigenous peoples, an indigenous peoples organization, a local community, a constituency, another kind of organization, etc.):

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* 2. Please select one of the following:

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* 3. Have you participated in/were you engaged in the preparation of climate policies, actions and/or communications under the UNFCCC? If you did not participate, please check "No, I have not participated" and continue with question 10. If you participated, please specify which of the following you were engaged in the preparation of:

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* 4. [If you participated in at least one UNFCCC climate policy, action and/or communication (question 3.):] Please tell us more by describing how you participated and specify the period (in years) of your engagement in each process.

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* 5. [If you participated in at least one UNFCCC climate policy, action and/or communication:] Please specify which country/countries?

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* 6. [If you participated in at least one UNFCCC climate policy, action and/or communication:] How did you learn about it? How was your engagement facilitated? 

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* 7. [If you participated in at least one UNFCCC climate policy, action and/or communication:] Which entity invited you or shared with you the opportunity of being engaged/participating in the preparation of the policies, actions and communications (listed in question 3.)?

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* 8. [If you participated in at least one UNFCCC climate policy, action and/or communication:] What was your role/whom did you represent?

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* 9. [If you participated in at least one UNFCCC climate policy, action and/or communication:] How were you engaged (in other words: what was your input/participation)?

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* 10. [If you have not participated in a UNFCCC climate policy, action and/or communication]: Please check the challenge(s) that have prevented you from participating?

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* 11. Of the challenges you may have selected in question 10, please list them in terms of the most relevant for you (i.e. "E, B, D..."):

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* 12. Do you have any suggestions on how to enhance your participation/engagement in the preparation of the policies, actions and/or communications (listed in question 3.)?

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* 13. You may enter information about yourself (if you wish), including your full name, email address, your institutional affiliation, location, and anything else you may wish to disclose: