
Welcome to our survey.

Your participation will not take more than 10 minutes and you can be sure we appreciate your time.

We are currently developing an online platform in order to improve donor’s project management capacities and offer modern communication tools, with the main aim to reach a greater impact.

By sharing your needs and expectations with us, we will be able to include them in our final product and design it even closer to your needs.

This survey is of course fully anonymous. The gathered data is strictly for our internal use.

We are planning to have a Design-Thinking-Workshop in Berlin, as soon as the current COVID-19-Restrictions allow. If you are interested to take part, please provide us with your email at the end of the survey.

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* 1. Who are you? Please share with us your function within the donor-organization:

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* 2. On which level is your organization operating mostly?

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* 3. How many projects does your organization approximately realize/fund during one year?

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* 4. How would you rate your organization regarding its level of digitalization?

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* 6. For which of the following topics you are already using software tools?

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* 7. Which of the following questions are most relevant to you?

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* 8. On which of the following aspects would you like to spend less time?

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* 9. How likely is it that your organization increases the use of digital tools in the future?

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* 10. What are obstacles for your organization when it comes to further implement digital tools?