Ahead of the International Day of LGBTQ+ People in STEM on November 18th, 2022, we want to get an impression of the current situation for members of the LGBTQ+ community within CIBSS and within the area of STEM in general. The survey is completely anonymous. You can skip any of the survey's questions and still submit the remaining answers.
- Anne Classen and Peter Walentek, for the Equal Opportunity and Diversity Committee of the Cluster of Excellence CIBSS - Centre of Integrative Biological Signalling Studies at the University of Freiburg.

STEM: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
LGBTQ+: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and others.

Please note: We do not encourage you to provide any personal information within this survey that may reveal your identity to us. If you want to report an incident or need support, we suggest to contact an omboudsperson from your institution/region. For the University of Freiburg, you find an overvew of contact points here: https://gdape.uni-freiburg.de/service-and-contact-points
For questions or comments, feel free to contact us via email: anne.classen@zbsa.uni-freiburg.de or peter.walentek@medizin.uni-freiburg.de

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* 1. Are you a CIBSS member or associated with CIBSS?

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* 2. What is your role?

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* 3. What makes you interested in the topic of LGBTQ+ in STEM (multiple selections possible)?

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* 4. Would you say your work environment is LGBTQ+ friendly?

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* 5. Have you yourself or someone you know experienced any disadvantages or problems because of LGBTQ+ identification at work or in the scientific community?

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* 6. Do you think that LGBTQ+ researchers in STEM should be worried to experience disadvantages or problems at work or in the scientific community?

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* 7. Do you think that the sexual orientation of a person matters in STEM?

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* 8. The University of Freiburg's Gender and Diversity Office provides several contact points and offers counselling to prevent and assist against discrimination and unequal treatment. Have you used any of these resources?

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* 9. Is there anything you would like to add?