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Survey on ESG integration

Thank you for your time.  This survey should not take you more than 10 minutes to complete.

Question Title

* 1. What kind of organization are you from?

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* 2. What is your job?

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* 3. In which country are you based?

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* 4. In which country are the headquarters of your company based?

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* 5. What assets class do you work on?

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* 6. Are you integrating ESG criteria in your current job?

Question Title

* 7. In your opinion, what are the current main drivers of ESG integration into the investment analysis for you?

  Not a driver Limited driver Important driver Key driver No opinion
Client demand
Fiduciary duty
Generate financial performance
Global pressure raising about sustainable development (the media, NGOs,..)
Improve reputation
Risk management

Question Title

* 8. In your opinion, what are the future main drivers of ESG integration into the investment analysis for you? Horizon of time: 2024.

  Not a driver Limited driver Important driver Key driver No opinion
Client demand
Fiduciary duty
Generate financial performance
Global pressure raising about sustainable development (the media, NGOs,..)
Improve reputation
Risk management

Question Title

* 9. In your opinion, what are the current main barriers to ESG integration into the investment analysis for you?

   Not a barrier Limited barrier Important barrier Key barrier No opinion
Fear of poor financial performance
Lack of company culture
Lack of comparable and historical ESG data
Lack of financial incentives for portfolio managers to integrate ESG
Limited amount of ESG research
Limited knowledge of ESG issues
Low client demand
Insufficient or lack of ESG methodologies

Question Title

* 10. How often do ESG opportunities and risks impact equity and fixed income?

  Never Rarely Often Always No opinion
How often do ESG opportunities and risks impact equity and fixed income?
How often do environmental risks impact equity and fixed income?
How often do social opportunities impact equity and fixed income?
How often do social risks impact equity and fixed income?
How often do governance opportunities impact equity and fixed income?
How often do governance risks impact equity and fixed income?
How often do intangible opportunities (brands, client satisfaction, data, innovation, IT,..) impact equity and fixed income?
How often do intangible risks (controversies, cyber-security, data, litigation, reputation,..) impact equity and fixed income?

Question Title

* 11. In your opinion, which environmental issues does ESG integration have to take into account in order of priority?  (1 most important, 3 least important)

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* 12. In your opinion, which social issues does ESG integration have to take into account in order of priority? (1 most important, 5 least important)

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* 13. In your opinion, which intangible issues does ESG integration have to take into account in order of priority? (1 most important, 4 least important)

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* 14. In your opinion, which governance issues does ESG integration have to take into account in order of priority? (1 most important, 3 least important)

Question Title

* 15. In your opinion, what are the best ways to integrate ESG?

  Not a solution Less important solution Important solution Key solution No opinion
Access to ESG scores
Access to ESG raw data
Access to red flag issues, watch lists, controversies
Voting policy
Engagement and dialogue 
Internal ESG expertise
Sector materiality issues
ESG SWOT analysis
ESG impact on valuation models

Question Title

* 16. Have you ever heard of the following topics?

  Yes No
CDP / Carbon Disclosure Project
Energy transition
Eurosif / European Sustainable Investment Forum
Green bonds, social bonds
IIRC International Integrated Reporting Council
PRI / Principles for Responsible Investment
Project of green taxonomy by the European Commission
SBT / Science Based Targets
SDGs / Sustainable Development Goals
TCFD / Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
WICI / World Intellectual Capital Initiative
0 of 16 answered