Welcome to British in Germany e.V. survey on citizenship applications, December 2020

This survey should take about 5 minutes to fill out.
German and UK dual nationality. Under a special law passed by the German government, UK citizens who, by the end of the transition period, fulfill the requirements for German citizenship and whose application is submitted before the end of the transition period are able to keep their UK citizenship as well as taking German. The transition period ends on 31 December, 2020. 
"Bei britischen Staatsangehörigen, die vor Ablauf des Übergangszeitraums einen Antrag auf Einbürgerung in Deutschland gestellt haben, wird von einem sonst nach dem Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz erforderlichen Ausscheiden aus der britischen Staatsangehörigkeit abgesehen, sofern alle weiteren Einbürgerungsvoraussetzungen vor Ablauf des Übergangszeitraums erfüllt waren und bei Einbürgerung weiterhin erfüllt sind." §3 (1) BrexitÜG.
Successful German citizenship applications made from 1 January 2021 onwards will generally require giving up UK citizenship.

Time is now short and we are aware that people still have applications in progress. Some may have encountered difficulties in meeting deadlines, particularly given restrictions due to Corona. British in Germany is collecting a snapshot of applications in progress. If you are currently applying for German citizenship, you can help us to get a more informed and complete picture.
The survey data will be collected and stored in compliance with EU data regulations and British in Europe's data privacy and protection policy. For details: britishineurope.org/data-privacy-protection Please confirm your agreement.

Question Title

* 1. Confirm: 

5% of survey complete.