1. Surface Guided Radiation Therapy - Current Status

During the 3rd ESTRO physics workshop, a group of SGRT users with various experiences came together to discuss the clinical use and future of this technology. Given the lack of specific recommendations on SGRT to date, we discussed various approaches to QA and commissioning, and the establishment of clinical workflows.  One of the outcomes of the workshop was the creation of an ESTRO Working Group dedicated to Surface Guided RT.

This survey was designed with the aim to understand the current SGRT-practices, adapt recommendations to the European users, and prioritize guidelines-needs.

Note: The survey may be extensive for some users (10-25min). You can opt to skip some questions or only shortly explain your answers. However, your feedback is very important and will allow us to elaborate adequated guidelines to your needs.

We welcome Surface-Guided-RT users and non-users (but who intent to install Surface-Guided) to fill this survey. Both Physicists, RTTs, and other professionals involved with this technology are invited to taking part.

Thank you for participating in our survey.
14% of survey complete.