Survey on senior-friendly public places in the Baltic Sea region

Dear Sir or Madam,

with this questionnaire we would like to know more about your preferences and needs, and your previous use of the furniture in the public space. For example, do you often use a bench in the park, do you care about its height, or is it important for you that the furniture in the city is made of sustainable materials?Your opinion is important to us so that public spaces can be designed more appropriately for the elderly.

The survey takes place within the framework of the EU co-financed project BaltSe@nioR 2.0 within Baltic Sea Region programme.This questionnaire is applied identically in our international consortium with partners from Latvia, Poland, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Russia, Germany and Sweden, and collects opinions, preferences and needs across borders.

This is an anonymous survey.

Thank you for answering the questions!

Question Title

* 1. Gender

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* 2. Age

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* 3. Height (cm)

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* 4. City

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* 6. What type of furniture do you use most often in public space? (please select a maximum of 3 answers)

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* 7. What type of public space do you prefer most?

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* 8. Is, in your opinion, furniture in public spaces adapted to the needs of older persons?

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* 9. Estimate how often You use public space and its furniture for following purposes?

  most often often seldom don’t use at all
in order to socialize (meet with friends and family)
while waiting for someone or something
while taking care of others such as grandchildren
in order to rest - when I am tired
in order to relax while being in public space
in order to spend time outside my home

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* 10. How often do you use furniture in public spaces?

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* 11. Who most often accompanies you when using furniture in public space?

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* 12. How important is it that furniture is sustainable (safe for the environment)?

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* 13. Should the furniture in the public space be made of materials being reusable/ recyclable?

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* 14. What would make you use the public area more?

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* 15. What weaknesses does furniture in the public spaces have?

  outdoor public space indoor public space
They are uncomfortable
They are not adapted to the needs of seniors
They have inappropriate dimensions (too low, too high, too narrow)
There are not enough of them
They are neglected, damaged
They have no backs, armrests, supports etc.
They are difficult to use, e.g. get up or sit down (in the case of seats)
They are located too far away from each other
They are located too far away from my place of living
None, they are well designed

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* 16. What problems do you face while using furniture, other equipment and facilities in public spaces? (please select a maximum of 3 answers)

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* 17. Please describe your dream furniture for public spaces (both outdoor and indoor)? How would it look and what function/s is/are required to meet your needs? If you could change something regarding existing public furniture, what would that be?

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* 18. What activities would you like to be able to perform while using indoor seating furniture for example in the waiting room?

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* 19. Do you read newspapers / leaflets / books, etc. while waiting in the waiting room?

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* 20. only if you have ticked question 19 with no: Why don't you read newspapers / brochures / books, etc. while waiting in the waiting room?

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* 21. Have you ever been in the indoor public space that was very comfortable for you?

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* 22. Have you ever been in the outdoor public space that was very comfortable for you?

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* 23. With whom do you share your household?

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* 24. Where do you live?

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* 25. Do you live in...? (Please tick only the appropriate box)

  with balcony without balcony with garden without garden
an apartment in the city/urban area
in an apartment in a rural area
in your own house in the city/urban are
in your own house in a rural area